The Heart of the Parish Fund
The Heart of the Parish fund is a special fund to support the many repairs and maintenance needs of the parish. With such a large church property and many older buildings, there is currently great need for repairs and upgrades in many of the facilities for which the general operating budget simply does not allow. This fund is also used to maintain the projects completed through the recent capital campaign. Your support of the Heart of the Parish is greatly appreciated!
The Heart of the Parish fund was established many years ago by Msgr. Bierster to help pay down the debt of the parish. We have been blessed over the years with very generous tithing contributions and bequests. Due to this generosity we were able to pay off the debt of the parish and we are currently debt free. The Heart of the Parish fund has since been re-purposed for general repairs and maintenance as mentioned above.
The Heart of the Parish fund was established many years ago by Msgr. Bierster to help pay down the debt of the parish. We have been blessed over the years with very generous tithing contributions and bequests. Due to this generosity we were able to pay off the debt of the parish and we are currently debt free. The Heart of the Parish fund has since been re-purposed for general repairs and maintenance as mentioned above.