We Are A Tithing Parish,
What is the "Heart of the Parish" fund? Learn more here
Learn more about our tithing program here
A Stewardship Prayer
Dear Lord, I pray that You give me
the wisdom to guide me on this
faith journey of stewardship.
Help me to understand that everything
I have is a gift from You.
Open up my heart and my mind so that
I may use these marvelous gifts to give
back to You here on Earth.
I pray Lord that You welcome me into
Your kingdom at the end of my life and
that You are pleased with what I have
done with all Your gifts.
Dear Lord, I pray that You give me
the wisdom to guide me on this
faith journey of stewardship.
Help me to understand that everything
I have is a gift from You.
Open up my heart and my mind so that
I may use these marvelous gifts to give
back to You here on Earth.
I pray Lord that You welcome me into
Your kingdom at the end of my life and
that You are pleased with what I have
done with all Your gifts.
When people hear the term “Stewardship” they tend to relate it to money or monetary gifts. While it is true that this type of stewardship is greatly needed to support the Church and our parish community, it often seems to overshadow the gifts of time and talent. We are called to share all of God’s gifts... Time, Talent and Treasure. Read more here
Anyone can make a legacy gift to charity. Whether you think of yourself as rich or poor, or somewhere in between, you can make a difference with a gift. Even a small amount can have a big impact over time.
Did you know you can leave money to your family AND our church? Some people think they must choose between leaving a gift to their family or their favorite charity. You can do both, and some charitable gifts can actually save your family money by decreasing inheritance taxes. For more information, please visit our Planned Giving page If you give through our Online Giving program you can watch your giving grow throughout the year! When you create a login, your gift and pledge history will be stored so that you can access it at anytime. This will allow you to accurately assess how much you're giving, to what, so that you can make informed decisions and plan your future gifts. It also helps us in the church office; there's much less processing for online gifts than for envelope gifts! You can learn more here