Kindness – what does it mean to you? It has a very special meaning to our Parish. Kindness starts at home and home to us is our Parish Family, and that’s why this program is so important to us! God wants us to show our Kindness! Kindness is:
Take some time to talk about the kind deeds that your family does during the day and week. If we could spend a few minutes a day talking about kindness, God’s Way - “The Road to Kindness” will become clearer! "In the end, only kindness matters" This week, we had several Acts of Kindness to share: " My neighbor came to me with his bike asking if I had a wrench to remove a broken pedal. I was able to remove the pedals and install a good replacement that I found under my workbench." ~ Unknown " I am studying abroad in Beijing, China and yesterday I met someone who is learning English. I offered to help them study this week for their English test for free. Tonight was the first time we studied together and I was able to teach her a lot of new words and phrases in English. I hope she was happy with my help and that we become friends! I think it is very important to help these Chinese students so they can learn and understand more about America!" ~ Morgan " I have a bad habit of getting in the car and wanting to get there. In a hurry. I'm sorry to say that my driving etiquette was not always the kindest. In the past year, I have really tried to be more aware when I am in the car, slowing down, taking my time, and if somebody else is in a hurry, letting them be in a hurry. Letting people cut in front of me, when normally I wouldn't have done that. So while this is not a kindness for a specific person, it is a kindness for people in general. Especially those on the road." ~ Unknown Please share your act of kindness by emailing them to: [email protected]
We hope you had a blessed Easter! As we finish our Lenten Season, what have you done to show someone that you Care? We have heard from many in our parish that they were so touched by the Kindness Cards that were handed out over the past weeks, that they did show someone that they Care. Several members of our parish family shared their Easter lunch or dinner with a neighbor or friend. This may seem like a small or insignificant act of kindness however, you touched the life of someone by sharing your food with them and spending time together. This is a special Kindness Act! Each day you have many opportunities to show you Care! If you are looking for ideas on what you could do or some examples of Kindness Acts, we encourage you to visit a website entitled “109 Acts of Kindness You Can Start Doing Today.” Please share your act of kindness by emailing them to: [email protected]. Have a wonderful week! “Carryout a random act of kindness with no expectation of reward, safe in the knowledge that one day someone might do the same for you! A little thought and a little kindness are often worth more than a great deal of money. Remember, there is no such thing as a small act of kindness!” Have a wonderful week!
Our Kindness Program is in full swing! Did you “Spread Your Kindness” over the last few weeks of our Lenten Season? We hope that you were inspired and showed someone that you care! “If we do one random act of kindness daily, we might just set the world in the right direction!” A kindness Act could be as simple as holding a door open for an elderly person., helping a neighbor to rake some leaves, or making dinner for a neighbor that has not been feeling well. Every day we have many opportunities to show we care. Share your act of kindness by emailing:
[email protected] May God bless you as we celebrate Easter! Our Kindness Program kick-off last week was very successful! We hope that you are “Spreading your Kindness!”
We want to acknowledge and thank John Triscik and Jackie Abel for their help in instituting our Kindness Program. We also want to thank all the Life Teen, Edge students and those adults who assisted in handing out Kindness Cards after each mass. Remember: “Helping one person might not change the world but it could change the world for one person!” Pope Francis recently said “How Marvelous it would be if at the end of the day, each of us could say: Today I have performed an act of charity towards others!” This is the perfect statement as we commence our “Road to Kindness” Program! The goal of this Program is to inspire you to Always Be Kind. After all, Kindness star ts with you – you have the ability to impact someone’s life today! How would you feel if you knew that one act of kindness could affect a person’s life for a day, a week, a month or even a year? Being Kind to someone is contagious! When you do an act of kindness, you are following the path that God outlines for each of us. You are demonstrating your love and compassion for your neighbor! Become inspired and show someone that you Care - this is God’s Way! “The Road to Kindness” starts now! Remember to share your act of kindness by emailing: [email protected]. Pope Francis recently said “How Marvelous it would be if at the end of the day, each of us could say: Today I have performed an act of charity towards others!” This is the perfect statement as we commence our “Road to Kindness” Program! The goal of this Program is to inspire you to Always Be Kind. After all, Kindness star ts with you – you have the ability to impact someone’s life today! How would you feel if you knew that one act of kindness could affect a person’s life for a day, a week, a month or even a year? Being Kind to someone is contagious! When you do an act of kindness, you are following the path that God outlines for each of us. You are demonstrating your love and compassion for your neighbor! Become inspired and show someone that you Care - this is God’s Way! “The Road to Kindness” starts now! Each week, we will be sharing select acts of kindness that are done by our parish congregation. Share your act of kindness by emailing: [email protected]. This Week’s Act of Kindness is In Loving Memory of Anthony R. Bellezza, because Anthony’s way of sharing love and kindness should continue. Spread your Kindness today! God Bless You! Kindness Cards will be handed out at the end of each Mass this weekend.
About Our Blog"The Road To Kindness" Archives
September 2019